Asia | Conflict Resolution & Security | India | Pakistan
By Shehzad H. Qazi | Foreign Policy | June 29, 2015 | 2 pages
Despite renewed tensions between India and Pakistan, public opinion in both countries strongly favors peace.
Conflict Resolution & Security | Pakistan
By Arnaud De Borchgrave | Newsmax | January 11, 2011 | 3 pages
This article for Newsmax discusses the results of Charney Research Polling that assessed the attitudes of Pakistani citizens with regards to the direction of the country, the role of the United States, and feelings about the future. In the seven Federally Administered Tribal Areas where Taliban insurgents fighting U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan find safe havens (when they’re not being bombed by U.S. drones), 34 percent of 3 million people told pollsters they approved of al-Qaida’s Osama bin Laden, and 25 percent said the same of the Taliban. One-third were OK with suicide bombings.
Democracy - Civil Society | Pakistan
Report | December 1, 2010 | 20 pages
This report based on scientific, national, randomly-sampled opinion surveys assesses Pakistani attitudes towards the direction the country is headed in and the various issues that Pakistan faces
Counter Insurgency | Indonesia | Pakistan
Report | January 29, 2009 | 23 pages
This presentation evaluates public attitudes in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Indonesia. The report studies how public discontent and attitudes further extremism or governance in these countries. Differing components of extremism, state capacity, and policy implications are compared between the three countries.